Sunday, February 9, 2020

Black Footed ferret

In keeping with the pet store theme, here is a Black Footed ferret. 1:12 scale hand carved wood, and fully furred.

Here he is with his little buddy, a blond Guinea pig.

The obligatory pencil for size comparison.

Thanks for looking :)

Saturday, January 4, 2020

little Guinea pig

One day a week in my local newspaper the back of the front section runs info and pics of a topic. Could be a state, an animal, King Tut, anything. One day the topic was Guinea pigs. Pics, anatomy, size, got me inspired. So I went to work making one.

Hand carved wood, 1:12 scale and fully furred.

About a month ago I made two little mice, hand carved wood, 1:12 scale furred.