Monday, January 8, 2018

Woodland critters

I've been having fun making some little woodland critters. Hand carved wood then furred, 1:12 scale.
Well, furring is pretty mind numbing, but the carving is fun :)

I love this little squirrel, I may make a friend for him.

And a little bunny....

And two chipmunks.

It would appear my sciatica has moved North....It is in my neck now, making working on these critters very difficult. Like sciatica runs down your leg, this is the exact same pain only in my neck, running down my arm and my index finger is numb. Like the freezing below zero isn't bad enough......
I've been hanging on my inversion table I got for the original sciatica. Helps for a bit, but not long before it is bad again.........
To end on an up note, the weather is warming up gradually to our January thaw on Thursday. Melt the piles of snow. My car is stuck down the driveway, I can go fetch it soon.


  1. they are all very cute. you are very talented.
    Get well soon

    1. Thank you for this sweet comment and well wishes :)

  2. Trop mignon, j'adore!
    Soignez-vous bien.

  3. Remember to take some manganese for that pinched nerve. I bet you have forgotten how well it worked for your lower back.

    1. Thanks for the reminder. Actually, roller skating cured my sciatica ---

  4. Hello Linda,
    I am just in love with these critters. they are so incredibly lifelike. Once again I am in awe of your talent.I hope you feel better soon.
    Big hug

  5. There is always a price to pay for our Art isn't there Linda?
    I am so sorry that your neck, arm and hand are bothering you but what blessing your inversion table must be! I understand that they help stretch out the back via gravity and your own body weight, and suffering from back troubles myself, I've often been curious.

    Meanwhile, your tiny forest critters are Adorable- I love the chipmunks but I would agree that the squirrel is lonely and needs a playmate too!

    1. Thanks, yes I'd like to make another squirrel. My inversion table was relatively inexpensive, definitely worth a try.

  6. Ouch! I've had that and when I could finally get a chiropractic adjustment it helped but sometimes they're not available. I did find that the muscle tension was almost as bad as the nerve pain. A heating pad might help with some of the pain.

    My doctor keeps reminding me to get up and move around, we're not meant to stay in one position all the time.

    I hope you feel better. I absolutely love your little furry creatures. The squirrel is my favorite!

    1. I do move. A lot! I walk, run up and down stairs constantly due to forgetfulness, take care of my 95 y/o mom 24 hr a day, and in summer there is yard work and gardening. But now, shoveling snow it not helping hahaha :)

  7. Felicidades por estos lindos animales, son perfectos y todos ellos encantadores. Te deseo que te mejores pronto,besos:-)

  8. They are adorable! I am so VERY SORRY to hear you are in so much pain. When did that start???? OMG!

    1. Thank you :) It's been hurting a couple weeks now.

  9. Preciosos animalitos, son una delicia.
    Que te mejores rápidito.
    Un abrazo
