In the 1960 movie "The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor, he was given a scale model of the real time machine, in a beautiful tantalus box. I was recently commissioned to make a scale model of the scale model! It was quite the mental workout. But it was alot of fun and I got to work with lots of different materials.
Here is the little time machine, made of pear and walnut wood and brass. The tiny seat has turned legs, and I got to turn brass for the gizmo that hooks to the screen behind the seat.
The tantalus box is incredible. As you lift the lid the front of the box folds down. It is attached to the lid with hinges.
The box is mitered but the two sides are made in two pieces and attached with piano hinge.
The sides then fold out to reveal the contents. The lid is also attached with piano hinge.
The box I made from cherry. It is completely hand painted.
Below are a couple photos I worked from of the real model: