A while ago, I came across a photo of a beautiful carved French wing chair, I fell in love. I knew I had to make it or one like it. After research, I made a scale drawing. This is totally scratch built. It is all hand carved cherry wood.
I carved the legs and front panel first, then the sides. In this picture above, I used thin basswood for the sides. I cut a channel in the arms/wings to accept the basswood.
The seat for under the cushion is basswood carved to fit into the frame. The back of the chair is also carved basswood, forming the "S" shaped back. Then after the whole thing was carved and assembled, I cut cardboard sections for the upholstery.
The cushion is not wood, but a real cushion I made then upholstered. To make the trim, I used my cordless screwdriver. After picking a beautiful light pink to match the flowers, from my embroidery kit, I chucked a flat-blade bit into the screwdriver and taped one end of one strand of the thread to one side of the bit, then the other end to the other side of the bit. Then I just let the screwdriver do the twisting :)