Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ice--oh joy...UPDATE

Well now everything is encased in ice. Doors frozen, power lines... I can't believe I still have power.
Yikes, better go make my coffee before it goes out :)

Oh this winter just keeps getting.... nevermind...


I went down to the mail box and wanted to share these cool pics. The last time I saw ice like this the power was out for 7 days. Fingers crossed :)

The bird feeder, they really need it now!

I took this old stove from the farm, thought it would add a rustic touch.
The rest of the photos are ice encrusted foliage.


  1. Lovely right? We're having fun temps down in TX too. It was a balmy 28 degrees when I got in my car this morning and we had frozen rain overnight.

    1. Geez sorry... Texas... I remember Feb. 40 years ago the horrible winter of '78. I was driving to L.A. and we stopped around Dallas for food. The diner was packed. I asked what was going on, as people seemed panicked. Well there was a dusting of snow, we didn't even notice because when we left Cleveland, there was at least 6 feet of snow. Nobody in Texas knew how to drive in it and all pulled off the freeway!

    2. I'm afraid that hasn't changed. I'm from Chicago originally (suburbs thereof) and still can't believe the attention the weather gets down here, when there's nothing really major going on.

      Love your birdfeeder icicles! So pretty and at least the birds can still eat.

  2. Your pics are Cool... very cool! I hope your power stays on. We are now having snow with freezing rain... hoping it will just go back to snow! LOL!

    1. Thank you. You got the freezing rain too, the gift that keeps on giving......

  3. OH NO!!! I know how creepy it is to think you could lose power at any moment. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hope all will be OK

    1. So far so good, power on. Supposed to go above freezing on Friday, so looking forward to a thaw. Sure glad I went out on errands yesterday, was going to wait.

  4. Superbes photos, merci!
    Je croise aussi les doigts pour que l'électricité fonctionne. Cela semble incroyable de vivre 7 jours sans elle.

    1. Merci de regarder! Aujourd'hui, le soleil est éteint et tout brille comme des diamants.

  5. Hello Linda,
    It does look beautiful...but it is such a pain. we had the same 3 weeks ago, and now the ice is buried under 3 feet of snow. Good times. I hope your electricity holds out.
    big hug

    1. I hear you...I am SO over this winter...I knew it would be a bad one because all the fruit trees and berries were laden. Nuts too, I was hoping to be wrong, but I knew nature was preparing for the worst with lots of food.

  6. Here in Vancouver Canada, the RAIN has finally stopped after a deluge of nearly 2 weeks straight. We have mostly blue skies today. Tomorrow it may rain again but at least every where you look is green. Flowers are pushing up and the snowdrops are happily blooming amidst the soggy surrounds.
    Not much snow for us this winter but after seeing your chilly photos, I am so glad that we have escaped your kind of ice too!
    Hope that things warm up in your neck of the woods SOON Linda, or you'll have to get that old cast iron stove working!!!

    1. Wow you must be building an ark haha! My daffodils poked through a couple weeks ago, I kept telling them to go back down! I tell myself they know what they're doing....They usually survive but if they survive this, I will never worry again :) Go figure, Canada warm and green, Ohio the frozen tundra!

  7. Beautiful, beautiful!! Sending warmth and sunshine from a hot, dry and dusty South Australia. Anna
